Media A-Level

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Course Details
It is impossible to understand the world in which we live today without an awareness of the role that the media plays in all aspects of our society, from Trump’s Twitter to #BlackLivesMatter. Roger Silverston (London School of Economics and
Political Science) said it best: “Media is at the core of experience, at the heart of our capacity or incapacity to make sense of the world in which we live.” In A Level Media Studies, learners take ownership of the content by engaging in lively debate and thought provoking discussion, often covering a range of topics such as politics, economics, culture and social relations.

How is this course assessed?
The course is 30% coursework unit and 70% exam unit. Both are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Which other courses does this combine well with?
English, Sociology, Film Studies, History, Graphic Design, Photography, Journalism.

What is the Qualification?
Qualification – Media A Level
Level – A Level

What are the entry requirements?
5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above.

What are the modules and units?
– Media Products, Industries and Audiences
– Cross Media Production

What about careers?
Future careers could include Screen Writer, Camera Operator, Director, Studio Floor Manager, Media Planner, Advertising or Marketing Executive, and more.