Course Details
This course supports students in developing technical camera, studio and darkroom skills. You will also develop creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, team work, verbal and written communication and handling of numerical data. The course is taught in a computer room equipped with Adobe Creative Suite. In our darkroom and studio, you will print and exhibit your work using a professional large format printer. The course also involves trips to galleries, photography visits and talks from professionals.
How is this course assessed?
The course is 60% coursework unit and 40% exam unit. Both are internally assessed and externally moderated.
Which other courses does this combine well with?
Media, Journalism, Graphics, Art, Film, English, History
What is the Qualification?
Qualification – A Level Photography
Level – A Level
What are the entry requirements?
5 GCSEs at 5 and above. Higher entry requirements are required for those wishing to study 4 A Levels.
What are the modules and units?
– Skills Building
– Developing a Personal Project
– Completing a Personal Project
– Personal Investigation
What about careers?
Photographer, Medical or Forensic Imaging (if taken with science) Graphic Designer, Studio Assistant, Lighting Assistant, Camera Person, Director of Photography, Art Director, Teaching.