Society and Culture
Course Details
Geography matters! If you are interested in how our world has been created by the forces of nature and the human hand then studying geography will give you the skills to understand and analyse the key processes at work.
How is this course assessed?
A Level Geography is assessed through a combination of external exams and coursework.
Which other courses does this combine well with?
Sociology, History, Economics, Maths and Science-based courses.
What is the Qualification?
What are the real threats of climate change? How should aid be managed? What are the key issues relating to international migration? How are our coasts shaped and managed? These are just some of the highly topical issues you will explore in geography. It’s well known that studying geography leads to a wealth of further study and career opportunities. This two year course combines both human and physical geography.
Distinctive modules:
– Tectonic processes and hazards
– Coastal landscapes and change
– Globalisation
– Regenerating places
– Water cycle and water insecurity
– The carbon cycle and energy security
– Superpowers
– Migration and identity
What are the entry requirements?
5 GCSEs at 5 and above.
You will also need Geography or Science at 5.
A good school reference, attendance and behaviour record are also required.
What are the modules and units?
Module 1 – Cities
Module 2- Tectonics and plates
What about careers?
You can progress to study degree level Geography which is classified as a facilitating subject by the leading research universities groups.
Geography graduates are highly employable in fields including teaching, international relations, government, science and engineering.